All the old and out of style things which may still be in your closet need be thrown to trash. So, in short today we are gonna be doing purge in your closet so that you get rid of ustylish things which you probably still have & even use. Therefore, I have listed 5 crappy things you need to trash, lets hop into it.. 1) Old running shoes: Your 4 years old dirty & s melly shoe should be thrown out right now. They looks disgusting, they are no longer comfortable and when you try to style them you look hideous. So get yourself multiple pairs of shoes & you need to keep upgrading them because shoes are most stylish & sexy piece of menswear. 2) Boxers: Let's be honest, nobody looks sexy in boxers & your balls are gonna oscillate around all days which is uncomfortable. If you still got one, immediately throw them away and instead get yourself some boxers-briefs which got comfortable pouch like design which gonna hug your ba...